Karen's Tools |
Karen’s collaboration with you is an integral part of your growth experience. She chooses the right tool at the right time to facilitate the movement of energy. As she moves your energy, you experience yourself with your imprints cleared.
Michelangelo was asked how he carved David out of the marble, he replied, he didn't carve David out of the marble, David was already in the marble, he carved away what was not David. |
As a Certified Practitioner in Biofield Tuning for many years, Karen strategically employs the protocols of Biofield Tuning and all of the related tuning forks to liberate the stuck survival energy in your field and return it to you as creation energy. Karen’s extraordinary Ancient Tibetan Bowls, ranging in age from 300 hundred to 500 hundred years old, come with their own wisdom. They were made by monks in ancient Tibet for the purposes of healing and, until recently, had been held by private families. They are an exquisite experience of cascading waterfalls of harmonic bliss washing over you. |
Another therapeutic application of sound that she employs is her unique Toning Resonance to acknowledge the trapped energy of emotions in both the body and Biofield. Under the Deeper Understanding Tab, the discussion of feelings buried alive addresses the issue that energy gets laid down in your field as you experience it, NOT as you reframe it or re-organize it in your mind for whatever reason.
The energy stays in your field until the energy is transmuted to neutral or leaves your field and that stuck energy must be acknowledged and honored; it's stuck there in the first place because it was not allowed expression or flow because of a variety of reasons, especially that it was not safe to feel those feelings. Her Toning Resonance creates a new opportunity for the liberation of the stuck energy and, combined with the "threads woven together from her other tapestries," allows for an extraordinary restoration of wholeness, peace, ease, freedom, health, happiness and clarity. Check out the testimonials to hear what her clients say about their experiences with her unique extraordinary tapestry of healing. Karen's extensive history of studying indigenous culture both in the USA and in Peru, has enabled her to expand on her gifted talents of toning and is an integral part of her work with the tuning forks, allowing you to experience yourself without your unconscious programming and debilitating imprints. She delightfully engages other sound modalities including rattles, bells, and drums in collaboration with her passion to change the energy of things and give you a different experience of yourself. Energy doesn’t lie, and her work isn’t really sound healing so much as it is energy healing with sound as Karen works with “the energy that is up in you” and moves you along your yellow brick road to return you home to yourself … where the loudest voice is the still small whisper within. Karen uses her wisdom and her tools based on sound science, to liberate the stuck survival energy and return it to you as available creation energy. She then anchors you in the present moment, connected to the Unified Field, and disconnected from the past and your pain body. Also, whatever energy that is not available to you as creation energy gets released, so that your Biofield is now clearer, stronger, and more resilient. The static, noise, and unconscious programming is no longer corrupting and downgrading your ability to function, succeed and truly enjoy your life. The limiting survival feelings once buried alive, have been replaced with elevated emotions, which, again by the laws of physics, go out into the world and come back to you in like kind. Step by step, you are brought back into the highest design you are encoded for, igniting the creator within. The cycles and patterns of your life are re-born and reinforced, according to your chosen conscious creation. You have become the creator of your life instead of the victim of it. |
"Karen's Vibrational Radiesthesia work has released the achy jaw pain that I have held for such a long time. After just one session, 2/3 of the pain was gone and my jaw felt freed up and opened up. |
"Karen is an amazing and gifted healer with sound. Her extraordinary relationship with her ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls set up my Soul to do what it already knows how to do. |